Personalized Learning follows the methodology that favors teaching curriculum in such a way that it is tailored to, and thus benefits significantly, the individual student. Results of the Extreme Networks Survey suggest that the majority of instructors know of, or are familiar with, the idea of personalized learning; Though, the Study also finds that due to extra preparation time, the inability of some students to take on the initiative, and being too resource-costly, among others, it has been determined that many instructors have considered using the strategy but have no immediate implementations of it. That being said, the benefits to using such a method are unparalleled. The unparalleled benefits of implementing such a strategy include improved learning and achievements, higher student engagement, allowing students to learn at their own pace, closing learning gaps, building students' confidence levels, and allowing for better time allocation for instructors. A major topic in schools today is the implementation of the Federally-mandated, Common Core curriculum. By comparison, the Study found that personalized learning topped their list of most beneficial learning strategies, whereas the Common Core strategy was next to last.

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