The article is intended to provide adult learners with reasoning for why they are making a good choice in going back to school. From 2001-2011 there has been an increase of 41% of people over the age of 25 enrolling in college for the first time. There is a projected 14% increase between 2011 and 2021 to the enrollment figure in regards to students over 25 enrolling in college. The infographic provides 4 main reasons for why it is beneficial to go back to college: changing careers, have more credentials associated with you professionally, learn about modern technologies, and ultimately have a higher income. The article also shows that to obtain a degree you do not necessarily have to go to class in person and there are online degrees available to those who need to have a flexible course schedule. Further, the article shows that adults are able to pay for this new expense by obtaining scholarships and financial aid.
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