Bipolar is a brain disorder that can be classified into three main categories based on the severity of the manic and depressive episodes the person experiences. People who suffer from type I experience the full range of manic to depressive symptoms, while type II sufferers experience greater depression and never achieve full manic periods. The third type of bipolar disorder, Cyclothymia, the periods of both the manic and depressive states are lengthened, and however neither state ever reaches the full extent of being categorized as manic or depressive. While the cause of bipolar disorder is still unknown, the symptoms are well classified and there are many treatments available. Some of the manic symptoms include; restlessness, reckless or risky behaviors, and feelings of euphoria. Some of the depressive symptoms include; insomnia, feelings of worthlessness, and lack of concentration. The treatments for bipolar disorder includes; medication, psychotherapy, and lifestyle changes.

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