Do you find yourself with a mind full of clutter? Are you constantly running around with a million and one things to do but nowhere to really turn to when it comes to these thoughts? Chances are you are like most people and you have a million different things running through your mind that you do not know how to turn off. Now here are a few ways to focus with a clear mind.

Focusing is a struggle we all share as humans.

If you want to start developing a way to add focus in your future, and then try a few of these items. Take a breath. If that does not work, do it again three times and make sure to really focus on the breathing and not anything else around you. Remind yourself what you are grateful for and list them. Check out this article to learn more ways to focus!

Key Takeaways:

There is more than one way to clear the clutter out of your mind which can create a way to focus better.
To develop some focus you can take some of these 36 steps including breathing exercises.
Money is great as a motivator or enforcer of focus, bet a friend of yours $100 that you can do the task.

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