We all know that certain diets can be better for our overall health. There are many diets that are good for weight loss and lower cholesterol. But it was not until a recent study was published that eating a healthy diet can be very helpful for kids struggling with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. Scientists have known for years that eating a diet with lots of lean meats such as fish and lots of vegetables can have many positive side effects such as lower risk of heart disease and cancers.

Diets are for more than losing weight.

A recent study has shown that the Mediterranean diet can actually help kids suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. A lower sugar diet can help kids with their impulsive outbursts. The Mediterranean diet is also ranked number 2 in the world for weight loss as well. The study shows that a diet with a high amount of healthy fatty omega 3 acids and lower sugar can have a positive impact on people suffering from Alzheimer and children suffering from ADHD.

Key Takeaways:

A study has found that children with stronger adherence to a traditional Mediterranean diet were less likely than their peers to have ADHD.
The traditional Mediterranean diet is high in fish, fruits, and vegetables, and is considered one of the healthiest diets in the world.
While the study only shows correlation, and not that sticking to a Mediterranean diet can help or prevent ADHD symptoms, the authors suggest that children with ADHD stay away from sugar and processed foods in general.

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