Do you know someone that has ADHD? Do you think that you know what it looks like based off of one or maybe two people that you might who have it? Think again. While people with ADHD might share some characteristics or symptoms, there might be other things that you might not recognize or even correctly interpret.

Everyone with ADHD is as unique as their symptoms.

In fact, ADHD can look different among children, boys, girls and even adults. Children tend to be fidgety or act impulsively. They can be impulsive and hyperactive while being able to pay attention. They can be inattentive but not hyperactive or impulsive. They can be hyperactive, impulsive and inattentive. To learn more about how it can look in children or adults, read more here!

Key Takeaways:

Many people believe that they can identify someone who has ADHD on sight due to stereotypes.
Typically children who have ADHD are fidgety and act impulsively however just because they exhibit these things does not mean that they have ADHD.
Symptoms and the way that people who have ADHD act affect boys, girls, and adults differently.

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