High school math can bring anxiety for both student and parent. For the parent, the anxiety often comes from the fact that the courses are taught in a different way than the parents remember. However, parents can still support their student in learning math in high school, even if they aren’t up-to-date on the teaching methods involved.

When Common Core came in, it shifted the focus to include an understanding of everything,” said AmyLee Kinder, who worked as a math specialist at Magic Johnson Bridgescape Academy in Humboldt Park last year. “It’s more about the process to get there. That’s very foreign to how people were taught in the past. It’s more about investigative learning and students going through a scenario and understanding a concept completely.
~AmyLee Kinder

Don’t be anxious when it comes to your child’s high school math.

One way to support your student is to encourage them to focus on understanding “why,” and help them to explain why they came to an answer, since the Common Core focuses a lot on understanding concepts. Another way to help your student is to help them brush up on basic algebra or arithmetic before starting a more challenging course. In addition, parents should always be open to seeking outside help for their student if necessary.

Key Takeaways:

Emily Perschbacher provides tips on how you can help prepare your child for high school math.
High school math becomes more difficult, because the classes are more unique and specialized.
To be successful, both the child and the parent must overcome anxieties, ask plenty of questions, and always seek help when needed.

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