Did you go to college? Chances are if you did or even if you are looking to go to college, then you know about the entrance exams that will either place you in preparatory college classes or you can enter into college-level courses immediately. Now one college system is getting rid of the entrance exams for math and literature.

California State University to get rid of placement tests.

The California State University with all of their 23 campuses have eliminated their entrance exams. Instead, students will immediately enter into college-level classes for all courses. This is part of a larger attempt in order to raise graduation rates among students. Usually, students are placed in remedial classes that do not go towards their degrees.

Key Takeaways:

California State University is now eliminating math and English placement exams.
This is a part of a larger scope of changes within the university system to raise graduation rates among students.
With this new system, all college students will take college-level courses immediately.

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