North Dakota is in the process of making changes in high school curriculum. Currently, high schoolers are required to take three math classes to graduate. The state legislators have approved in both houses graduation changes for high school requirements to keep up with the ever-increasing important role technology plays in everyday life.

A North Dakota bill seeks to favor computer science over math.

Instead of the standard three courses in math, the legislators have proposed to changes that three units to be a computer science class. The course would have to be approved by the state superintendent and contain a significant amount of mathematical concepts. The bill now goes to Governor Doug Burgum’s desk for final approval.

Key Takeaways:

At the moment, North Dakota high school students must take 3 math classes in order to graduate.
A new bill, which has just passed both houses, allows one of those classes to be a computer science class.
This change in legislature reflects the importance of computer skills in today’s job market.

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