Most teachers think of reading instruction for the English Language Learner (ELL). But the instruction could also offer some education on mathematics too. These students are eager to learn math skills and apply them in the classroom. Teachers are often amazed by their progress on these math-related tasks when possible.

Classroom teachers often do not have the time to spend on individual math tutoring to bring each student up to proficiency. ELL teachers are focused on reading and writing. Consequently, the math gap grows larger every year.

Literacy in math is as important as literacy in reading.

Strong math skills are likely indicators of success at the college level. Teachers are working to close the gap between segments of students in school too. These ELL students need an individualized curriculum to teach them the basics of math. That could put them in line to learn essential math skills that could help them advance.

Key Takeaways:

The English Language Learner (ELL) curriculum is undergoing a revision in schools. Observers are waiting to see what goes on in these schools over time.
Watch to see what changes are made to the ELL curriculum as it is designed. That could be the difference maker that people want to negotiate in school.
Closing the math gap is a valuable asset to those in the ELL program too. These learners want to be part of the class and not just outsiders in their school.

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