The Simply-fun corporation who is a publisher of award-winning educational board games focuses on Math and STEM with the release of Math Medalist. This game release occurs in conjunction with March “Mathness”, a month-long celebration designated by Simply-fun to promote the joy of learning essential math skills through play. Simply-fun believes in the undeniable power of shared play to learn, grow, and realize your fullest, brightest potential.

Games improve how students retain STEM.

Math Medalist is two games in one. In one game players add to 100 in 10s to score tiles. Game two uses a multiplication table where players compete to take control of specific areas. The game also features four renowned mathematicians- Euclid, Brahmagupta, Fibonacci and Gauss. Math Medalist is for ages 8 and up. It was created to help children practice multiplication and addition while also sharing the discoveries of some of the math pioneers.

Key Takeaways:

SimplyFun, a publisher of educational board games, is releasing the STEM-focused Math Medalist in conjunction with their Math Madness event.
The game, designed for children 8 and up, contains two parts and includes four famous mathematicians, including Euclid and Fibonacci.
The game targets the Math and Stem skillset, which includes computation, algebra, counting, and mathematical relationships and hopes to improve those skills in children of all ages and learning styles.

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