Students in Chambersburg Pennsylvania are learning math through a new program that leaves out the equations and brings real-life problem solving into the classroom. First, through fifth-graders are learning through the Eureka math program. Teachers start the lesson by explaining to students how numbers are related. Then, students work together to solve their math word problems. At the end of the day, students are giving a short quiz to help validate the success of the program.

A new program to bring math to life

Officials say the program will help students succeed on more challenging standardized tests. The program requires no books and has online ready work available when students need extra help. “We, as adults, use math problem-solving. We really want our kids to understand that it’s not just a set of procedures, but that math has real-world meaning,” said Amber Myers, Math Instructional Coach at Ben Chambers Elementary School.

Key Takeaways:

Students in Chambersburg are now learning math through the Eureka program, which focuses on real-life problem-solving.
The classes start with the teacher explaining a concept, followed by the students working together to solve problems and then an individual quiz at the end.
The program has an online component that allows parents to follow along, requires no textbooks, and develops logic and reasoning skills that may help students perform better in standardized testing at the end of the year.

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