Growing up, did you like math? Do you like math now? Do you have a child that you find making math fun with? Chances are if you are like most parents then you are not a fan of math and I can’t blame you there but there are ways to make math fun and engaging.

“We want to help kids see how math and science can be meaningful. It is also important for them to explore all the career paths in the field that can be open to them by showing them the real world applications and the relevance of math”
~Donna Kirk

Math workshops instruct on how to make learning fun.

One group of teachers are making fun and engaging for students through a student workshop. At the workshop known as “Engage, Learn, and Connect Math Topics” there are over 20 area teachers that are making connections between learning math and applying it to real life. Check out this article to learn more about this summer workshop.

Key Takeaways:

In the summer workshop known as “Engage, Learn, and Connect Math Topics”, teachers are showing students how they will use what they learn in life.
The funds are being used for the 2017-2018 “Improving Teacher Quality Program” project to engage Duluth-area elementary and middle school mathematics teachers in high-quality learning and reflection to improve their teaching skills and capacity.
The chance to collaborate with colleagues and to continue communication between grade levels and schools are also important elements of the workshop

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