About a year or two ago some people thought that handwriting no longer mattered because of technology. Now the value of writing is back with some of the major industry players adding it back. Handwriting is now building into some new devices such as Chromebooks. Apple and Microsoft have also recently included digital writing.

Handwriting technology in cars will grow at a rate of more than 34 percent through 2020.
~Frost & Sullivan

Handwriting Is Finding A Way Back Because Of Technology

Handwriting demand caused the largest sales in tablets because customers want mobility and handwriting input. Handwriting capabilities are included in luxury cars such as the Audi and some others such as the standard and entry levels ones too. For a lot of people, handwriting still feels natural and a lot of us still use a pen.

Key Takeaways:

Technology has made new handwriting apps possible for people everywhere. There is a corresponding boom in handwriting tech that needs to be considered.
Users prefer the choice of having to handwrite as an option to explore. That will continue as new technology becomes available on the market.
Handwriting capability is now being designed for the devices themselves. Users can connect and immediately get access to handwriting tools made for them.

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