What would you say is one of the biggest changes that have come to our educational system? Chances are there are many changes that you might see including changes to math, the common core and even the increased use of technology. Now that last one is the center of attention as some schools are relying more on technology and less on the written counterpart.

Regardless of whether state officials require cursive handwriting to be taught in public schools, there’s no law against teaching the Palmer Method at home.
~Marc Kovac

Cursive writing is being discontinued in most schools.

Now in the school education system, there is really a focus on the technology system and away from cursive handwriting. In fact, handwriting is almost becoming a lost art in the education system. Technology is certainly important but so is handwriting. In many aspects of life, handwriting still has a place even if it is not the preferred method. Check out this article, to learn more!

Key Takeaways:

Cursive writing is important even in today’s world, especially for sentimental or personal communication.
Whether or not to teach cursive in schools is a tougher question that has engendered much debate.
One current debate is over HB 58, which would require schools to teach children from kindergarten through fifth grade. While the bill shows no signs of passing, it is still possible to teach your kids cursive at home.

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