Creative writing is not an easy subject to deal with that's why open-ended writing method for children. Although this is meant to help the children with their writing, it can be difficult for children with learning problems. Open-minded writing are meant to assist in the creative flow of it but children with learning problems will not be able to use this since they do not have the concept of what a sentence is.
Creating Words To Form A Sentence
Children with learning problems, being read to or medication will not help in their fundamental inability to write. Because of their learning problems, their thought process is severely affected by the inability to spell correctly. The concept of what represents a basic sentence for them is lost so they need to have remedial instructions and be able to focus on it. Instead of allowing them to have creative thoughts in writing, they must be able to practice using simple levels on the logical sequence.
Key Takeaways:
Those on a smooth road with writing have worked with varied styles that are complete.
Research shows that medication and reading to children will not necessarily improve their writing.
Toss away creative impulses and have a struggling writer work on simple mechanics.
Read the full article here:
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