Ways To Handle Dysgraphia
There are quite a few accommodations that people can give kids who are struggling with dysgraphia. Any handwriting can be painful to a kid who struggles with dysgraphia. Verbal tests are good accommodation for them. There are quite a few other accommodations that can help deal with dysgraphia as well. Circling the main idea is one thing that can be quite helpful. It is important to only give them things they can handle and not make the process too much info at once.
An easy accommodation is of course verbal tests on worksheets.

Key Takeaways:

The teacher can have other students record answers and that can be a good idea.
One way to help students with dysgraphia is to highlight things for them.
Circling main ideas is a great way to help out students that deal with dysgraphia.

Dysgraphia Accommodations

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