Dyslexia is being widely discussed by teachers that are following along. They want to see Dyslexia corrected and remedied in a school setting. Students can do their part by learning to read at grade level if at all possible. That will show signs of progress when the new program is put in to place.

The district has a pilot program and should be able to handle all students with the condition next year.
~Tara Sparks

Dyslexia and academia are meeting in the middle.

Dyslexia is being diagnosed more often by doctors concerned for student progress. A combined effort will get students working on certain goals in their academic setting. State guidelines are in place to oversee how Dyslexia is being diagnosed in certain ways. Students will get help and support that they need in the school setting too.

Key Takeaways:

Dyslexic children in Lindbergh School District schools are not getting the help they need.
The Lindbergh School district has a pilot program to hopefully handle all students with the condition next year.
Lindbergh District doesn’t have the screening needed to diagnose dyslexia early.

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