Tom Mullally explains the struggles and bullying he encountered because of dyslexia. Tom explains how approximately 10% of people have dyslexia. Often times there is a lot of shame attached to the condition. Tom also discusses how he has overcome some of the struggles and the defense mechanisms for coping with the disorder. He has adapted in such a way that he become a big success.

Part of the self management technique is being checked in to learning, if they are checked in to learning then we have the opportunity to teach them. Its one thing to take me to the remedial center for 12 months but if I'm checked out of learning, its no use. - Tom Mullally

Key Takeaways:

Shame is a common reaction for dyslexic learners because they cannot conform with the normal school standards. They usually lag behind their classmates who are able to write, read, and spell with ease.
The presenter pointed out that if we want to solve the problem of dyslexics' inability to learn, the core problem should be addressed first—their tendency to retreat from learning.
Tom Mullally discovered his talents behind his dyslexia—his creativity and having good people skills.

2015 Dyslexia Seminar Part 3 Dyslexic

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“Is your child having difficulty with reading or other academics?” “Wondering if it’s dyslexia?” Use our free dyslexia test to get answers. Simply answer a few easy questions and find out now

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