The author of Captain Underpants has stated that dyslexia and ADHD helped him out as a writer. He was given a very loving environment where he was allowed to explore his craft and pursue his dream into the future. He was diagnosed way back on the '70s when there were fewer resources for people in school. He believes that the issues he had with reading are what lead him to become a great writer and a successful author.


I was diagnosed as a second grader — this was back in the early 1970s — with what they called extreme hyperactivity. They did not have the term ADHD back in those days. But they did have the term dyslexia and I was also diagnosed around the same time with both of those

Key Takeaways:

Dave Pilkey became a great author and won awards for writing captain underpants despite having dyslexia and ADHD.
Dave Pilkey credits his ADHD and dyslexia for shaping him into a better writer.
Dave Pilkey credits his parents for creating a safe environment for him to learn and grow.

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