Young Anais gave a speech to at her school on dyslexia which she re-reads for the camera. She introduces herself as one of the many faces of dyslexia. She then disputes the notion that you’re dumb if you’re dyslexic and she cites several famous people with dyslexia, including Albert Einstein.
She explains that, with dyslexia, the brain gets confused and scrambles the letters in your head so then you can’t read that word. She admits that having dyslexia was difficult, but once you get used to it, it’s actually fun. After being diagnosed with dyslexia, she found an awesome teacher who has helped her overcome the challenges.
Key Takeaways:
There are many famous and intelligent dyslexics include Albert Einstein and Jamie Oliver; dyslexia is not a sign of low intelligence.
Dyslexia is a learning disorder where the brain scrambles letters so you can’t read the actual word on the page.
Getting great help is vital for those with dyslexia- they need a teacher who is patient and can make learning fun.
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