Dyslexic students have difficulties when it comes to learning to read or write, beginning at a young age. Often times, dyslexic students are all categorized into one big group and that can hinder their ability to overcome this disorder. This is because there are several types of dyslexia, with emphasis on the specific problems that children face.

“The different types of Dyslexia is discussed and listed.”

Dyslexia can be broken into a number of categories such as auditory, visual, dysphonetic, and double deficit, just to name a few. These are focused on exactly where the problems lie. For example, auditory dyslexia causes comprehension problems when words are head and visual when words are seen. Understanding the different types of dyslexia can help to better tackle the education gap and level the playing field for dyslexic students of all kinds.

Key Takeaways:

There are three sub types of dyslexia.
Different types of dyslexia require different approaches.
Dyslexia can affect people both visually and auditory processing.

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