The article explains a writer’s struggles going through school and learning that she had dyslexia. She goes on to explain that she learned to type and could type rather fast, but couldn’t read other people’s writing in cursive and since she couldn’t read, the typing was of little use to her in regards to a career.

Now an author of several books, L.J Kidd channels her own experiences into her stories. The colourful books tell the tales of everyday animals like bees, dogs and snails and how they overcome challenges in the way she has overcome the inability to process letters into words. The colourful books tell the tales of everyday animals like bees, dogs and snails and how they overcome challenges in the way she has overcome the inability to process letters into words.
~Phil Staley and Adam Stephen

This dyslexic public speaker never thought she would be a writer.

She goes on to speak about how she was clever with art and sport but was bullied when it came to reading and writing due to her dyslexia. She persevered and went on to become an author of several books of which she channels her own experiences with dyslexia and bullying into. She has been contracted by many schools where she lives at to come in a speaker to students and kids about using their creativity.

Key Takeaways:

L. J. Kidd is an author of children’s books and she suffers from the challenges of dyslexia.
Kidd was bullied in school like most kids with dyslexia because her challenges were not understood.
The stories that she writes and illustrates are about animals that have their own struggles and challenges to overcome.

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