The Craig Rotary Club is making reading fun with a program that gives kids a passport to new experiences. As books from multiple genres are read, students’ passports are stamped with a stamp. This would push students to try reading books of all types. This program has been adopted by most of the 4th and 5th grades across the district.

A program now in its eighth year called Passport to Reading is helping kids who might be uninterested or bored of reading find books they would enjoy. The goal is to make reading fun for the fourth and fifth graders who participate in the program.

With the reading passport system, the students, who may have been in a rut reading just one genre, or were bored because they were reading the same type of books they didn’t like, get a chance to read the wide variety of literature that exists. At the end of the year, the top readers who had accumulated the most stamps and points earned an Amazon Kindle Fire for their efforts.
At the beginning of each school year, fourth and fifth graders receive a passport and are given stamps for books read in various genres.
~Daily Press

Key Takeaways:

Moffat County elementary students are taking part in a reading program designed to get them out of their comfort zone.
The program is called Passport to Reading.
It is sponsored by the Craig Rotary Club.

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