The push for treating the growing population of children with learning difficulties are being acknowledged within the past five years. Dyslexia has been one of the most prevalent learning difficulties that people are starting to take notice of. With this in mind, we will be able to accommodate the children and better their futures before they make drastic decisions caused by the overlooking of their learning differences as compared to the other students. The future of public education is starting to look brighter than before with more equal opportunities.
The California Dyslexia Initiative, which the governor announced last week as part of his 2020-21 budget proposal, would set aside $4 million for screening, professional learning for teachers, research, and a conference on dyslexia, a learning disorder that affects one’s ability to read and write.

Key Takeaways:

The California Dyslexia Initiative is part of the 2020-21 state budget proposal.
The initiative would set aside $4 million dollars for different projects.
Some of the projects the initiative will cover are screening, learning for teachers, research, and other aspects related to dyslexia.

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