Can a innovative and creative person be dyslexic? There has always been stigma that comes with dyslexia, just like any learning disability -- that people with the disorder aren't smart. But as things progress, we as a society are becoming more and more knowledgeable on these disabilities, and may even come around and eliminate the stigma.

This video discusses how successful people like Steve Jobs (founder of Apple) and James Dyson (founder of Dyson Vacuum) both suffered from dyslexia. In spite of this, they invented revolutionary technology, proving their innovation and creativity. Looking at these multi-skilled and intelligent people, it's clear that having dyslexia did not hold them back -- in fact, the skills they recieved from the disorder may have very well helped them.

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"A good symptom of dyslexia is actually look for the strengths. If you look for things that are out of the ordinary in a good, creative way -- innovative, or someone who is just a fantastic speaker -- ask yourself or ask them how their reading and spelling was."

Key Takeaways:

Creativity and innovative thinking are among the strengths of a dyslexic.
Although there is still a stigma that dyslexia makes slow learnings, stories about successful dyslexics have created a more positive perception about the disorder.
Steve Jobs and many other dyslexic people manifest creativity and innovative thinking in their respective fields.

Can a person find dyslexia using strengths? Yep.

Mentioned in this post: 

“Is your child having difficulty with reading or other academics?” “Wondering if it’s dyslexia?” Use our free dyslexia test to get answers. Simply answer a few easy questions and find out now

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