Mr. Ameer Baraka a local of New Orleans grew up as a child delinquent and hating school. Later in life he learned he had dyslexia. Now he is an advocate for early testing and intervention to allow children from thinking they are stupid, as he commonly thought on a daily basis at school.

Louisiana Republican Sen. Bill Cassidy helped organize Tuesday’s hearing before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee to make the case that dyslexia, a common learning disability that makes it difficult to acquire reading skills, deserves more public attention and research money. Cassidy’s daughter, Kate, is dyslexic.
~Deborah Barfield Berry

Dyslexia legislation updates in New Orleans

He is now doing his best to motivated politicians to enact friendly dyslexia legislation. They plan to introduce the new bills during the National month of Dyslexia Awareness which is in October. He has teamed with other former students who had the same situation as him, not learning about dyslexia until later in life.

Key Takeaways:

Local resident in Louisiana makes waves in legislation for kids with dyslexia
Stories of students who had the school system fail them related to dyslexia
How former students are helping future students with dyslexia

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