Tanith Carey writes about the problems that some children have socializing with other children in and outside of school. Many of these problems can be attributed to a child’s inability or struggle to read physical cues such as facial expressions and body language. These struggles can make it difficult for children who have these issues.

Every parent wants their child to have friends. And however reluctant they may be to admit it, every child wants the same.
~Tanith Carey

Children who struggle to read physical cues face many challenges.

In addition to perceiving social cures, children can also struggle with expressing themselves, using the same cues. According to Carey, one in ten children have difficulties in these areas, which place them at a significant disadvantage when trying to socialize and make friends with other children in and out of school.

Key Takeaways:

Most people are not familiar with social dyslexia.
Children that are less prone to socialize may have difficulty processing social information.
Research suggests that therapy and support can help these children learn to socialize effectively.

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