By altering the way that the brain processes written words, dyslexia becomes a learning issue for those affected by it. It can wreak havoc on social dynamics by causing anxiety, self-esteem issues, depression, relationship issues and even lead to self-harm, due to dyslexics feeling like a failure due to poor school performance.
Dyslexia has compounding effects into adulthood, too. A person’s behavior might be affected due to their having difficulty getting thoughts out. They may also experience anxiety, especially at work, leading them to be more withdrawn than most post. Although there isn’t a cure for dyslexia, the sooner a person is diagnosed the sooner they can begin making long-term improvements.
Author “There is no cure for Dyslexia. The sooner the person is diagnosed and receives treatment, the better chance they will have of reaching long-term improvements.”

Key Takeaways:

Dyslexia is a learning disorder particularly regarding reading; there is a cognitive defect in the sufferer’s processing of visual symbols, i.e. letters and numbers.
80% of students with a learning difference have dyslexia and 15-20% of the population has a language-based learning difference.
Thre can be devastating social effects over time from undiagnosed dyslexia, such as anxiety, depression and relationship problems due to isolation and giving up.


Do You Need help with a Learning Difficulty?

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  • Eliminate avoidance
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