Since it is estimated that 1 in 10 people have dyslexia, which is something that can be passed down in families, we should delve into the details of the reading issue a little further. Let’s start with what dyslexia is not. Dyslexia is not a state of inferior intelligence. It is also not a symptom of laziness.
Dyslexia is the method by which the brain processes the written and spoken language. As a result, those with dyslexia have difficulty learning the sound of letters, difficulty in reading single words, lack of fluidity, and reading slowly while making many mistakes. Although researchers are still not entirely clear what exactly causes the learning issue, it is believed to be related to the way a dyslexic person’s brain develops and functions.
Key Takeaways:
Dyslexia is a specific reading disability due to a defect in the brain’s processing of graphic symbols.
One of the symptoms is difficulty in reading single words, such as on flash cards and in lists.
Reading slowly with many mistakes is a symptom of dyslexia.
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