Dyslexia is a medical condition that is affecting 10% of the population of the United Kingdom. Dyslexia is a learning condition that affects the way a person learns. This condition is responsible for visual impairs in reading and spelling. People that suffer from dyslexia may often exhibit other signs in learning difficulties, such as, attention disorders as people come to understand dyslexia.

The Dyslexia Adult Network, which is made up of many top dyslexia charities, hopes to even the playing field for adult sufferers of dyslexia.

One of the most common learning conditions in the United Kingdom today is Dyslexia. Dyslexia is a learning condition that affects a person’s ability to read and write. These skills can greatly affect a person academic achievement if not treated properly. This condition ranges from mild to severe, from person to person and it affects everyone differently. It is very important to understand this condition so that those affected can be helped.
The Dyslexia Adult Network (DAN) has been founded to increase awareness of the impact of dyslexia and related conditions on adults.
~Unknown Author

Key Takeaways:

The Dyslexia Adult Network (DAN) is an advocate group for adults with dyslexia.
The network includes dyslexia charities, specialists, and adults with dyslexia.
The Dyslexia Adult Network focuses on equality and understanding in the workplace for adults.

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