There is much controversy over when exactly is the proper time to screen for dyslexia since it’s neurologically based. So before jumping to early screenings, we can examine what might make your child at-risk for the learning issue. Family history of dyslexia and a history of speech or language impairment are signs. Children that have trouble keeping the sounds in order or mix the sounds might also be at risk.
People say a child can’t be diagnosed with dyslexia until second grade, but that generalization has more to do with the materials readily available at that stage. If we see the warning signs earlier, we can help them sooner. For instance, a highly-trained child speech pathologist can monitor your child’s language skills at an early stage if there are heavy symptoms already.
Author “Since dyslexia is neurologically based, its there at birth. There are signs that we look for, things that make the child more at risk. For instance, if you have a family history…”

Key Takeaways:

Since dyslexia is biologically-based, it’s there at birth.
If you have a family history of learning disabilities, that automatically puts you at a bigger risk of dyslexia. If the child has a history of speech impairment, that also puts them at a bigger risk.
There a misconception about early diagnoses of dyslexia, but there are usually signs that the child has it very early on.

Dyslexia and casualties of education

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