Dyslexia is called a hidden disability. That means it does not have any visible signs, especially since a dyslexic person is usually fine in every other possible way. Those who have the learning challenge, however, usually sensed something was off when they began school. Things did not come so easily to them as they did to their classmates.
The definition of dyslexia is an unexpected difficulty in reading in comparison to one’s intelligence, education level, or in relation to their professional status. Dyslexia manifests itself in difficulty in reading, spelling, struggling with handwriting, and getting the sound of words. Usually, a teacher will first notice the sign of dyslexia in a child and then notify the parents of the issue.
Author “If you look at the top tier of any profession…there’s a disproportionately high number of people who are dyslexic.”

Key Takeaways:

Various figures some highly successful and intelligent relate that dyslexia confounds how we mentally access information and the difficulties entailed in being a unique learner.
Succeeding with dyslexia requires a caring teacher who can identify the problem and direct towards assessment.
The mainstream education system does not or can not address the specific needs of dyslexic children but Westmark offers small classes and gives individualized attention.

Dyslexia A Hidden Disability

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