This video discusses useful apps for people with dyslexia. The video was a presentation given by Dr Thomas Sim. He talked about dyslexia in higher education and then outlined some useful materials that they could use. The tips he gave can be applicable to all students as well and not just people with dyslexia. The presentation was very lucid and well presented.

You can use apps in your teaching so long as you follow the basic idea that as an educator you use what tools are out there to help you in your teaching and teaching visually helps everybody - Dr. Thomas Sim

Key Takeaways:

Practical tips on how to prepare an effective presentation
Learn the importance of teaching visually to capture the attention and interest of students
Useful IOS and Android Apps for Education

Dyslexia in Higher Education: Useful iOS Apps: Dr Thomas Sim at Embrace Dyslexia (Singapore)

Mentioned in this post: 

“Is your child having difficulty with reading or other academics?” “Wondering if it’s dyslexia?” Use our free dyslexia test to get answers. Simply answer a few easy questions and find out now

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