How does Kentucky handle dyslexia? Ouch. That’s a heated question that will draw many passionate responses on both sides of the issue. If you ask several people in the state if they think it’s even recognizing dyslexia, or if they’re doing enough for it, and you will hear many say no, loudly.
Truthfully, the federal legislation does categorize and define dyslexia as a learning issue. Furthermore, contrary to popular belief, the state does allow educators to put the learning issue on an Individualized Education Plan. In addition, House Bill 69, passed in 2012, says that dyslexia is a subset of a learning disability.
Author If anyone in the school system says they dont recognize dyslexia please start standing up and saying we do its in the law its part of the law in Kentucky.

Key Takeaways:

Kentuckians need to be more aware of Dyslexia.
Teach To Lead emphasizes constructive approaches to dyslexia education.
Kentucky is doing a great deal to improve dyslexia education.

Dyslexia in Kentucky 2016

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