Dyslexia is a controversial topic, but it helps to have all the facts. Find out what Dyslexia actually imposes on those affected. A video is uploaded that provides a quick Dyslexia Presentation in full. Viewers will get to see young people talk about the issue itself. Leave comments and feedback for the presenters who made the video.
Important questions are raised during the course of the video itself. The students will provide quick answers to pressing questions about Dyslexia. Enjoy the perspective of people who genuinely care about the condition. Even teachers will be ready to comment on the nature of Dyslexia as a disorder. Dyslexia could affect student performance or keep them back a grade.
“Research tells us that 15-20% of the population has dyslexia.”

Key Takeaways:

Dyslexia is when you get letters and numbers mixed up.
Dyslexia can cause difficulty in learning and writing.
One symptom of dyslexia is skipping words and reverse order of letters in words.

Dyslexia Presentation Video

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