This powerful video provides an honest insight into the difficulties that dyslexic people face when trying to read and process language information. The video begins with a child speaking about his dyslexia and how it has caused him to be labelled in negative ways, such as slow, stupid, or lazy.
The video continues, providing a scientific explanation of what actually happens to dyslexics as they attempt to process language and other visual information. As a result, viewers can have a true understanding about why dyslexics take a long time to read and process information and why comprehension for them is truly difficult.
Author “You know what’s stupid? I’m not stupid, I’m dyslexic.”

Key Takeaways:

Dyslexia makes it harder for kids to read.
Dyslexic children are often told that they are lazy and stupid.
Many dyslexics grow up to be incredibly successful after struggling through school.

Dyslexia Project Brittany-revised

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