Sometimes, living with dyslexia means finding unique ways to cope -- and those techniques can in turn help achieving further success in life. This video focuses on the struggles of Brian, a boy with dyslexia. In second grade, his dyslexia caused him to feel left behind, as he was unable to keep up with his classmates. Luckily, he was able to cope by enrolling in a school that specializes in handling dyslexic lessons.

At this school, Brian learned techniques to break down words and put them back together, helping him read. But the most important thing Brian learned during his schooling was that dyslexics should focus on their strengths instead of their weaknesses. Brian did just that -- he had a real passion for filmmaking, a visual medium that dyslexia rarely affects. He pursued it, and he's now living his filmmaking dream in Hollywood.

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"And I soon realized that dyslexia didn't matter much anymore. In fact, it has even expanded my horizons. I have never loved dyslexia as a part me, but overcoming it has made me who I am, and put me exactly where I want to go."

Key Takeaways:

Brian struggled with learning because of dyslexia and felt that he was left behind.
Dyslexia should not be a hindrance on pursuing your chosen field or career.
Dyslexic people should focus on their strengths instead of their weaknesses.

Dyslexia - It Doesn't Really Matter

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