Dyslexia is a disorder that can affect how people read. It is a problem that is faced by special education teachers today. Fortunately, the new social trend is bringing more awareness as well as more solutions to help these children learn to read. A recent article in Dyslexia Action highlighted some helpful tips to help these children excel.
Research is demonstrating that there are two effective tricks you can do to help a person with dyslexia read more effectively. One is to increase the font size and spacing on the page. The preferable font size is 14pt. instead of the usual 11pt. that is default. Also, bold keywords in the text can help to improve reading skills as well.
People often ask what is the best font to use for people with dyslexia but that is the wrong question. Research shows that fonts matter relatively little, although Sans Serif fonts like Arial are slightly better for people with dyslexia than others.
~Dyslexia Action

Key Takeaways:

Text formatting is important for people who suffer from dyslexia because text is difficult to comprehend for people with this challenge.
Large fonts are easier to read for people with dyslexia. The bigger, the better.
Highlighting keywords while reading helps people with dyslexia when it comes to comprehension as it allows them to pinpoint the message easier.

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