Recent studies have proven that certain nutrients in food can improve a child’s focus and concentration. This is important since a child’s nutrition is one of the main focuses with their parents. It is hard to always eat healthy. Especially since a lot of the organic ingredients are hard to come by and are difficult to afford. Choosing the wrong foods can have a more dire impact on your child than you can possibly imagine.

Find five things that your child eats the most and work on making the substitution in each one of those to improve your child's health - Dr. Douglas Curtiss

Key Takeaways:

Nutrition plays an important role in your dyslexic child's focus and concentration.
Parents should find healthy alternatives for the foods that are mostly eaten by their children.
In search for healthier food alternatives, parents can check the ingredients or contents of the food product. This includes the amount of sugar and/or fats. Parents can then compare among different brands.

Dyslexic AND UN-Stoppable Quick Tip - Nutrition and Dyslexia

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