Dyslexia is a difficult learning disorder to deal with in your life. The difficulty reading and processing information that comes with it is constant. To make things worse it can be very difficult to explain for hard it is to live with dyslexia, to describe what life is like to experience.

Early intervention is important for ensuring that kids with dyslexia can perform well academically. The website features a video where a dyslexic adult recounts his experience with a special needs tutor and how she has improved his academics and given him confidence.

However this video does a great job showing what it can be like to live with dyslexia. Made by a young child with dyslexia, it shows how creative people with dyslexia can be. A learning disorder that makes intellectual pursuits difficult might just highlight a person’s creativity and artistic talent.
A parent had contacted me and shared a video their child had made explaining their dyslexic perspective. I opened up and was instantly moved by this artistic approach to something so difficult to explain. Dyslexics are often creative thinkers that excel in other aspects of their life.
~Marie Lunney

Key Takeaways:

People with Dyslexia are creative and excel in many aspects of their lives.
Nick, a boy with Dyslexia has created a digital video using his strengths from the disorder showing his perspective with the disorder.
With the proper early interventions, children with Dyslexia can flourish as enthusiastic readers and spellers.

“Is your child having difficulty with reading or other academics?” “Wondering if it’s dyslexia?” Use our free dyslexia test to get answers. Simply answer a few easy questions and find out now

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