Endless Reader is a smart, fun, and easy to use approach to helping children who may have difficulty with the correct placement of letters when spelling out words. Like its predecessor, Endless Alphabet, interactive puzzles, sounds, picture aids, and subtle repetition come together as one to help teach your child correct letter placement, and positively enforce the meanings of Sight Words.
Endless Reader is a great way to help your child with any struggles they may have, or just to help reinforce what they have already learned. The Endless Reader app is free to download on both smart phones and tablets. In-App purchases are offered to further the extent of information demonstrated and taught through Endless Reader. To top it all off then Endless Reader App is available through both the AppStore and GooglePlay!
Endless Reader is available for both smartphones and tablets.

Key Takeaways:

The Endless Reader application introduces children to sight words.
The Endless Reader uses interactive word puzzles and applies the most common words children will come across in school and early children’s books.
The sight word puzzles are available without an internet connection, but has sight words for every letter of the alphabet once connected.

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