Black students with Dyslexia are failed in many schools today. A grandmother has a story that will amaze many people. They can read about what is done with these students. Public schools can change how progress is made as of today. Dyslexia is a top concern and might be progressing in time. The schools have some goals to set and perform in time. That will be a telling point for all involved with it.

A Grandma's Story

Science has taught us a lot since then about what exactly dyslexia is and isn’t.

Key Takeaways:

Black students are at risk because of the Dyslexia label. A grandmother has a story that people will want to follow.
The story shows how parents can do their part with a failing student. The student can make progress towards their own goals.
Follow the story and get involved with it over time as well. Parents can take proactive steps to manage the problems that they encounter.

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