One private school in Florida has opted to expand their Dyslexic student offering. That could be the model that many educators use for their favorite Dyslexia awareness catalog. Get to know more about the teaching style that parents tend to use for themselves that could give Dyslexic students the best chance that they need to succeed.

The Roberts Academy Expands Their Dyslexia Focus.

An expansion of The Roberts Academy is now taking place for students therein. That expansion promises to be the biggest that people have seen in the area. The Roberts Academy is pleased with the progress that they have made so far that has helped their school and promoted literacy all around as well.

Key Takeaways:

The Roberts Academy is a private school based at Florida Southern College and specialized in Dyslexia.
The Roberts Academy will be expanding their program through eighth grade by 2018 which will increase enrollment from 120 to 200 children.
The school currently employees 13 teachers who all have specialized training and they plan to hire more for the addition.

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