Did you know that dyslexia is not just a struggle with reading and writing? In fact, the challenge, which hits six million people in the United Kingdom alone, affects people differently. The learning difficulty can also affect the way a person spells and their math skills. Luckily, struggles with any of these issues can be overcome.
Symptoms of dyslexia are wide ranging. They can range from someone making visual errors, like seeing words backwards or spelling a word in many different ways. It can also include struggling with math and having difficulty memorizing the multiplication tables. Often, people with dyslexia can struggle in one field while they excel in another subject.
Dyslexia Action’s Director of Education Dr John Rack said: “Dyslexia affects people in various ways, at different times in a person’s life. It can make some things harder to learn and put barriers in the way of progress. However, those barriers can be overcome, once dyslexia is identified so the right kind of help and support can be put in place.”
~Dyslexia Action’s Director of Education Dr John Rack

Key Takeaways:

It’s important to diagnose dyslexia so the proper help can be given to those who struggle with it.
Dyslexia can affect one’s ability to read, spell and even solve math problems.
Dyslexics can be bright and intelligent but still struggle with the typical issues associated with the challenge.

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