What do you know about Dyslexia? If you are like most people, chances are you know that it can affect reading or language but did you know that it can affect brain function outside of reading and language? Typically, people that have Dyslexia have less brain plasticity as recent studies have found.

Dyslexia is related to reduced brain plasticity.

The most recent study has taken research to study the activity of the brain in two different ways while still performing different tasks. Both of the studies found that the brain of a Dyslexia person do not adapt as much to repeated stimuli. Repeated stimuli include spoken words, faces or event musical notes.

Key Takeaways:

Dyslexia is about how the brain adapts to what it has observed, instead of just language or literacy.
A new study has found that dyslexic brains do not adapt as well to repeated stimuli as normal brains do.
Read this post for more in-depth information on studies in this area.

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