What do you know about dyslexia and how it is diagnosed? Chances are that if you are like most people then you know that testing is a large part of diagnosing that someone has dyslexia. New evidence shows that early intervention with diagnosing dyslexia is key. One way to recognize this is by watching for responses and writing patterns.

According to John Hopkins Medicine, dyslexia is a learning disability, in which a person has trouble processing words or numbers, which causes difficulty in learning to read, even in smart, motivated people who are trying hard to learn.
~Mishal Ali Zafar

Dyslexia may be related to genetics.

The key questions then begin to start forming. Dyslexia is something that runs in families and if it does then you may want to have your child assessed. Another major reason to get your child tested or any child for that matter tested for dyslexia is if you notice a pattern of learning challenges for the child.

Key Takeaways:

Dyslexia is a significant challenge for students who want to advance in school. Many researchers consider Dyslexia to be a learning difference that has core characteristics.
They all seem to agree that early intervention will be key for Dyslexia. Proper diagnosis is always important and could represent a critical step towards student progress.
Dyslexia is considered both a developmental issue and a genetic problem for students. But that has helped researchers find a way to diagnose Dyslexia as it emerges for them.

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