Essex chef Jamie Oliver has spoken of how his dyslexia has been the secret ingredient to his success. Oliver gained international recognition in 1999 aged just 24 when he started his first show on television, the Naked Chef.

Jamie Oliver inspires others with dyslexia.

Jamie Oliver is an inspiration to many kids who look up to him. The celebrity chef has a legion of fans who want to be like him. His television program is an inspiration to people who want to follow his lead. He even has several books available for those who want to learn more about him. Get to know the man who has made cooking fun again.

Key Takeaways:

Jamie Oliver said he just sees the problems differently.
Jamie Oliver says because he’s dyslexic, sometimes, when it requires a lot of stuff to be done, he just does it.
If you want long-term success, find something that you’re good at.

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