There are a lot of books available for everyone to read. People read books because they learn so much from it. Not only will it give you knowledge, it can also take you on an adventure especially if you have a great imagination. It is from reading books that we are able to learn different cultures of the world.

They wanted to learn how such books could influence kids’ views of different cultures. Aronson and O’Brien used their research to help launch the Diverse BookFinder ― a database of books about different cultures and ethnicities, as well as topics like the environment and adoption ― in September.

Not everyone has the capacity to travel and see every culture available in the world. The best way to know about these cultures is through learning and you can learn about them through reading a book. The article provides helpful resources for learning about different cultures.

Diverse BookFinder is one of several groups working hard to ensure that all kids can see themselves in children’s books.
~Huffington Post

Key Takeaways:

Multicultural children’s books are a rare sight for families in the country. There are resources now made available for parents who want to find these books.
Diverse BookFinder is the brainchild of a lot of research by two smart individuals. They are just one of many groups dedicated to helping kids find the best set of books.
There are children’s books that discuss topics related to multiculturalism whenever possible too. Picture books have detailed friendships between Somali and non-Somali people over time.

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