Dyslexia refers to a general term for explaining all disorders that involve difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols but that do not affect the general intelligence of the learners. For academic and professional success depends on the ability to read and interpret, but millions of Americans struggle to read but it often because they have dyslexia. These students with the disorder go unnoticed in school until they struggle with feelings of inadequacy. Others fight for services of Federal law. That is why MindShift's guide for understanding Dyslexia was published to help the learners with the disorder.
Key Takeaways:
Millions of Americans struggle to read and this can often be because of dyslexia.
5-20% of students may have it and some don't realize it and go untreated.
Parents, teachers, and educators need to understand the signs of dyslexia and know how to fight it.
Read the full article here:
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